Como apasionado programador y webmaster, sé lo crucial que es la presencia en línea para cualquier proyecto. En este artículo, exploraremos un emocionante rincón digital llamado Cerveza.Gratis, donde convergen encontraremos algunas herramientas esenciales para webmasters.
Herramientas para Webmasters en Cerveza.Gratis
Add Prefix/Suffix into Line
Insert a prefix and/or suffix into the content of each line.
Male Female Keywords
Separate the keywords entered by gender and singular / plural
Add / Remove Line Breaks
Add new line breaks and/or remove existing line breaks within your text’s formatting.
Count Characters, Words, Sentences, Lines
Count your text’s characters, words, sentences, lines and word frequency.
Delimited Column Extractor
Extract a specific column of delimited text from each line of your input text.
Find and Replace Text
Find and replace text matching your search criteria.
Letter Case Converter
Letter Case Converter
Merge Text (Line by Line)
Merge Text (Line by Line)
Remove Duplicate Lines
Remove/delete all duplicate lines within your text/list.
Remove Empty Lines
Remove/delete all empty lines within your text/list.
Remove Extra Spaces
Remove leading/trailing/extra/all white-spaces from your text.
Remove Letter Accents
Remove Letter Accents
Remove Lines Containing…
Remove Lines Containing…
Sort Text Lines
Sort Text Lines
URL List Cleaner – Trim to root
Filter list of URL and trim to root.